Good Stock Trading = Contrarian

No need to read all of Jesse Livermore: The Greatest Trader Who Ever Lived, but here is a 100+ year old quote that still applies today: “The successful trader has to…


That Charity May Not Be The Right Type Of Charity

James Altucher being provocative as usual…

“Ten Reasons Why I Would Never Donate to a Major Charity…”

I’m not endorsing this conclusion but he makes some useful points:

I’m not saying don’t give. I’m not saying don’t be spiritual or don’t be good. But do it with thoughtfulness, with true spirit, with a true desire to help. More harm than good is done when you blindly throw money at most charities.

3) I don’t like paying administrative overhead. For every $1 someone donates to the American Cancer Society, 9.8 cents goes to administrative costs. (more…)


“Jamie Dimon on the Line”

Long [but good] Vanity Fair profile of Jamie Dimon, one of my favorite CEO’s and speakers: Warren Buffett..., says that when Berkshire Hathaway bought the railroad Bur­lington Northern for $26…


Facebook Revenue Explodes

"From $0 To $1 Billion In Two Quarters – Facebook's Mobile Ad Business Is Suddenly Huge" 75% of $4 million is $3 million. $3 million per day over 365 days…


“One Hell Of A Tale”

Truly amazing plane crash story from "One Hell Of A Tale". "What does it take to save over 100 lives when the plane you’re flying loses control?" The rest is…


The Darker Side Of Facebook

Facebook needs to embrace the Dark Side...Top 14 Things We Need To Know About On Facebook (That They Don't Want To Tell Us):14) "Bob is no longer friends with Bill."If…

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Top 10 Email Signatures Part 2

For reference, please see: Top 10 Email Signatures Part 1 10) Take Care, but not too much, Andrew 9) Oozing with Sincerity, Andrew 8) I BCC'd someone but I'm not going…